Monday, September 17, 2012
3 Years Today
6:00 AM
The years seem to fly by . . . how is it that it has been 3 years since Nate's diagnosis of type 1 diabetes? I rarely get sad about Nate's diagnosis anymore but this evening when I realized that tomorrow was September 17th it hit me hard. I've been a blubbering mess all evening.
I read Nate's diagnosis story and was taken back to that day. One of the worst days of my life. Is Nate healthy and happy today? --- Yes, he's a healthy, happy, holy terror really! It doesn't change the fact though that he was diagnosed 3 years ago with a lifelong medical condition that requires a ton of vigilance to keep him alive.
I found the synonyms interesting for the word vigilant. It is possible only a D-parent will understand how appropriate those synonyms really are.
Adjective: |
| |
Synonyms: | watchful - alert - wakeful - awake - wary - open-eyed |
Three years ago I made a promise to Nate and to myself.
I promised I would never let diabetes define Nate Houston.
Diabetes is not who he is ---- diabetes is what he has.
Nate is a spectacular 4 year old little boy that happens to have diabetes.
He also happens to have had his blood sugar checked (finger poked with a needle) over 16,500 times, received over 700 shots of insulin via syringe, and had over 300 pod changes which includes a very large needle inserting a catheter beneath his skin to deliver insulin.
Wow ----- that my friends is pretty spectacular.
He is a brave little boy.
He is a warrior little boy.
He is amazing!! ...and although I am mostly desensitized to the above facts I am occasionally reminded when I see other children watching in horror as I check Nate's sugar or change his insulin pump that it is this is not everyone's normal. Although it is our normal it should not be . . . I am still hopeful for better technology, better insulin, better everything . . . . and most of all I am still hopeful for a cure.
This year we are walking to raise awareness and money for JDRF --- the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundations.
JDRF is the leading global organization focused on type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Driven by passionate, grassroots volunteers connected to children, adolescents, and adults with this disease, JDRF is now the largest charitable supporter of T1D research. The goal of JDRF research is to improve the lives of all people affected by T1D by accelerating progress on the most promising opportunities for curing, better treating, and preventing T1D. JDRF collaborates with a wide spectrum of partners who share this goal.
Since its founding in 1970, JDRF has awarded more than $1.6 billion to diabetes research. Past JDRF efforts have helped to significantly advance the care of people with this disease, and have expanded the critical scientific understanding of T1D. JDRF will not rest until T1D is fully conquered. More than 80 percent of JDRF's expenditures directly support research and research-related education.
Team Super Nate - Sponsored by Quick Sticks
I cannot imagine life without T1D but I'm guessing I could get used to it pretty fast!!
Thank you so much to all that have already made donations ---- we look forward to sharing our walk day photos with you all.
Keep calm and Hope for a Cure . . .

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Walking for Nate
4:45 PM
Hello Friends and
The JDRF Walk to Cure Type
1 Diabetes is quickly approaching and although we did not put a walk team
together last year we have decided we would like to walk this year for our sweet
son, Nate. We don’t have much time because the walk is September
29th ---- nothing like waiting until the last minute to decide ---
We have a great sponsor
this year . . . .
Quick Sticks has generously
offered to provide walk shirts and other goodies for walk day. So, if you would
like to walk with us this year --- I need to know ASAP so they can order our
shirts. Please email me at and let me know if you’d like to walk and
your t-shirt size. Families are welcome!! The walk is a very family friendly
event and we always have a lot of fun before and after the walk.
Please consider walking
with us this year to show your support for our Super Nate.
On September
17th of this year Nate will have been living with Type 1 Diabetes for
3 years. He was diagnosed at the young age of 14-months. Although, we do not
let type 1 diabetes define Nate in any way his diabetes is always there. He
never gets to take a break or have a vacation from diabetes. I truly believe
that in the 3 years our family has been living with diabetes we have adjusted
and made our life with diabetes look easy and if you asked Nate today he would
not complain. Please know that living with type 1 is not easy. Diabetes hurts
my little man in so many ways. We need your support on walk day and every day
---- please, please consider walking with Nate to show your support.
If you are able to make a
donation, we would be beyond appreciative. Every dollar donated to JDRF brings
us one step closer to finding a cure.
Here is the link to our
JDRF Fundraising page:
Once you respond about the
walk I will send out more details about walk day.
Many, many
Jim, Laura, Emma, Sophie
and Super Nate
Keep Calm and Walk On!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Super Sweet Sophie - Remicade Update
10:57 PM
I can't believe that tomorrow is Sophie's 5th round of Remicade. I'm pretty sure I haven't blogged about Sophie since . . . .The Shit that is Crohn's. If you haven't read that one. Do it. I just read it again and it made me cry. I hate to cry alone.
As you can see from the above pictures Sophie is a little trooper when it comes to infusion day. She doesn't like getting the IV inserted (who does?) but the nurses and child life specialist help keep her distracted during insertion. It takes about 4 hours and she usually plays Wii, watches movies, plays with the iPad and sometimes sleeps. They still give her Tylenol and Benedryl before the infusion to counteract any reaction she might have. Those 2 combined are enough to knock me on my behind!
All in all the Remicade is helping Sophie with her Crohn's symptoms. It was truly a miracle how quickly it began to work in the hospital. Amazing. She improved within a day.
She has completely normal poops now and has also stopped bleeding. Her labs have been slower to improve which is frustrating. Her hemoglobin continues to stay a bit low and her inflammation although improved is still a bit concerning. We tried to go 7 weeks between infusions and that didn't work so we are going to stick with 6 and see how that goes this time. The problem that we have now is she has terrible stomach pain. Her gut just hurts. A lot. We started a new medication (took her off of Nexium) called Cyproheptadine (4 MG). She has been on it for about 4 weeks -- it's supposed to help with the pain but I haven't seen a huge improvement but I'm willing to give it a little bit more time. She can't do anything for a long period of time. If we swim, she will swim for a bit but them wants to go inside and get in bed. It's the same story for just about any activity that we try to do. She just doesn't feel great and it hurts this momma's heart.
I'm looking forward to meeting with her doctor tomorrow to get her thoughts on the continued belly pain. They always do a blood draw so I'm going to ask them to run another Celiac screening just to rule that out. Otherwise I'm at a loss.
All in all she is SO much better but just not quite 100% yet. With each day we continue to have hope that the next process will improve her quality of life. Forever Hopeful.
Keep calm and Hope on . . .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Back to School
11:14 PM
School starts next week for my littles. I've been counting down the days ---- truth! Does that make me a bad mom ---- maybe?! Or just a really tired one! As excited as I am about back to school I'm just as scared and nervous. I was doing fine until I started filling out all of the medical forms --- yes, the same ones that I filled out last year. The diabetes ones are exhausting ----
Medication Request Forms
Diabetes Management Plan
Insulin Pump Physician Orders
Authorization for Administration of Diabetes Management and Care Services by Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistant ---- what the what??
Section 504
The list seems to go on and on . . .
I find the 504 pretty easy --- cut and dry. You will allow this and will not do this. The management plan is the one that is so hard. I find it incredibly difficult to plan out how to treat diabetes! When does diabetes ever stick to the given plan?
Here is what I have come up with for Super Nate:
Diabetes Management (Care Plan) for Nate
Our basic plan for care.
Diabetes Cheat Sheet
I have these laminated and hanging on the wall of any area Nate will be in during school
Section 504
Nate attends a public pre-school within our school district so he qualifies for a Section 504
Lanyard Tags
These are hanging on Nate's diabetes bag that goes with him everywhere
Huge thanks to Heidi at D-Tales for these. HUGE HIT!!
Section 504 Information
I created this document to hand out at our last OmniPod meet and greet
I could not have done any of this without these great bloggers ---- Mommy bloggers are the best! Thank you, Ladies for blazing the trail and making it so much easier for the rest of us.
Medication Request Forms
Diabetes Management Plan
Insulin Pump Physician Orders
Authorization for Administration of Diabetes Management and Care Services by Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistant ---- what the what??
Section 504
The list seems to go on and on . . .
I find the 504 pretty easy --- cut and dry. You will allow this and will not do this. The management plan is the one that is so hard. I find it incredibly difficult to plan out how to treat diabetes! When does diabetes ever stick to the given plan?
Here is what I have come up with for Super Nate:
Diabetes Management (Care Plan) for Nate
Our basic plan for care.
Diabetes Cheat Sheet
I have these laminated and hanging on the wall of any area Nate will be in during school
Section 504
Nate attends a public pre-school within our school district so he qualifies for a Section 504
Lanyard Tags
These are hanging on Nate's diabetes bag that goes with him everywhere
Huge thanks to Heidi at D-Tales for these. HUGE HIT!!
Section 504 Information
I created this document to hand out at our last OmniPod meet and greet
I could not have done any of this without these great bloggers ---- Mommy bloggers are the best! Thank you, Ladies for blazing the trail and making it so much easier for the rest of us.
For Super Sweet Sophie and living with Crohn's Disease here is what I've come up with to keep her safe, healthy and happy while at school:
Sophie attends a public elementary school so she qualifies for a Section 504
We give this to all of Sophie's teachers and in the substitute teacher file
I'm still working on updating the documents for 2012-13 so if you think of anything that I'm missing --- give me a shout!
Keep Calm and 504 on . . . .

Monday, July 9, 2012
Quick Sticks Winner
9:23 AM
Thank you all so much for entering to win the Quick Sticks drawing, Facebooking about it, Tweeting about it and liking the Quick Sticks Facebook page. I hope you all also checked out the Quick Sticks website and signed up for a free sample of Quick Sticks. Most importantly I hope you or your kiddos will love them as much as Nate does!
I let pick the winner this morning.
And the winner is . . . .
Entry #4
Alexis Nicole from Chronicles of D-Boy and Ribbon
Thank you all again for entering and check back next month because Quick Sticks is going to allow me to give away another Quick Sticks package including the following items:
Here's what you will WIN:
A box of Sour Apple Quick Sticks
A box of Watermelon Quick Sticks
(12 Sticks per Box)
A Quick Sticks Drawstring Bag
A Quick Sticks T Shirt
A Quick Sticks Wrist Band
Congratulations, Alexis!!
See you all (hopefully) again next month!

Monday, July 2, 2012
Quick Sticks Giveaway
2:10 PM
It has been a long time since I've given anything away so I thought (probably out loud to myself), what the heck, Laura Leigh ---- let's give something away! So, I asked my good friends at Quick Sticks if I could give away their product and they were kind enough to say YES!
The above picture was taken a few weeks ago while I was working with the awesome Quick Sticks team at Camp Sweeney. They let me tell Nate's story and help give away goodies!
I think I've posted on Facebook a couple of times about how much Nate loves these but nothing is ever official until it's on THE BLOG!
So . . . Hey . . . Nate loves these!
LOVES THEM! And . . . so do both girls!
Here's the deets:
Here's what you will WIN:
A box of Sour Apple Quick Sticks
A box of Watermelon Quick Sticks
(12 Sticks per Box)
A Quick Sticks Drawstring Bag
A Quick Sticks T Shirt
A Quick Sticks Wrist Band
Here's the Rules:
Winner will be selected via on Monday, July 9th.
Winner's name will be posted here on this blog.
After winner's name is posted, winner will have 48 hours to send a message to me at
If I do not hear from the winner within 48 hours, I will select a new winner.
Here's the Luck:
In addition, I have not been compensated in any way by Quick Sticks to write this post. I do not work for Quick Sticks nor do I get paid to promote their products. Quick Sticks has simply been awesome enough to offer their goods for this giveaway.
![]() |
I think I've posted on Facebook a couple of times about how much Nate loves these but nothing is ever official until it's on THE BLOG!
So . . . Hey . . . Nate loves these!
LOVES THEM! And . . . so do both girls!
Here's the deets:
Imagine no more oversized pills, warm liquid drinks, or gel tubes that leave a gooey mess. Quick Sticks are designed to be easily carried and are perfect for adults and children on the go!
- Gluten Free
- 230% of recommended daily Vitamin C
- 10 Grams of CARBS per stick
- Mother and Kid approved!
- Durable packaging
- No water needed! Pour right into your mouth
Quick Sticks are easy to use and dissolve quickly! Just tear open the Quick Stick and pour directly into your mouth. Enjoy a quick boost of glucose. It’s that simple!
They come in 2 flavors --- Sour Apple and Watermelon
Here's what you will WIN:
A box of Sour Apple Quick Sticks
A box of Watermelon Quick Sticks
(12 Sticks per Box)
A Quick Sticks Drawstring Bag
A Quick Sticks T Shirt
A Quick Sticks Wrist Band
Here's the Rules:
To enter: Post a comment before midnight on Sunday, July 8th. Please be sure to include your 1st name. Comments without names will be eliminated.
To earn extra entries...
-Tweet about this post and leave another comment.
- Facebook about this post and leave an additional comment.
- Like the Quick Sticks Facebook Page (be sure to tell them I sent you) and leave an additional comment.
Winner will be selected via on Monday, July 9th.
Winner's name will be posted here on this blog.
After winner's name is posted, winner will have 48 hours to send a message to me at
If I do not hear from the winner within 48 hours, I will select a new winner.
Here's the Luck:
Also, if you don't want to wait for the contest to end . . . go to the Quick Sticks website by clicking here and sign up for for a free sample!
Also, if you don't want to wait for the contest to end . . . go to the Quick Sticks website by clicking here and sign up for for a free sample!
Here's the Disclosure:
**Disclosure: I.AM.NOT.A.DOCTOR. Anything I say should not be taken as medical advice. I am just a crazy, sleep deprived D Mama doing the best I can!!
In addition, I have not been compensated in any way by Quick Sticks to write this post. I do not work for Quick Sticks nor do I get paid to promote their products. Quick Sticks has simply been awesome enough to offer their goods for this giveaway.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Finding Laura . . . More than a D Mom
5:56 PM
If you are a faithful follower of HWHAP then you may have been wondering where I've been lately but then again maybe not so much. Maybe you could care less. Or if you are on Facebook you probably know exactly where I have been because I post there like every 5 minutes.
That's funny ---- Right?
Anyway when I started this blog it was an outlet for me to discuss the wide array of emotions I was going through after Nate was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and then Sophie with Crohn's disease. I'm never afraid to keep it real and let people know exactly how I am feeling. I have certainly been through some tough times over the past couple of years. I am not sure that I have handled any of it with dignity or grace but at the time I really didn't care ---- survival was my only goal.
Reading back over some of my posts I still feel every bit of the sadness, anger and frustration that I was feeling at the time that each post was written. I remember vividly the sadness, the feeling of loss, frustration and anger. At times I did allow myself to get wrapped up in each and every one of those emotions.
I truly believe I went from being what I like to describe as a full-time, stay-at-home, want-to-be-perfect mom to a D-mom and then a D/C-Mom. I was no longer a woman, a wife, a daughter, a sister or a friend. All I could be at the time was a mom to 2 chronically ill children (we won't even talk about how bad I feel for Ms. Emma). I felt overwhelmed and sad ---- some days I still do but for the most part something has changed over the last 6-months or so. I am still a stay at home mom and a D/C-mom but I have found me again. I am no longer trying to be the perfect mom, the perfect D-mom or perfect C-mom . . . is there really such thing? I am just me . . . a woman, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I am funny, silly, sarcastic (I actually speak sarcasm fluently), kind of bitchy, and rather snarky. I have found that getting away from my littles occasionally is actually good for my mothering abilities . . . when I don't escape often enough I can lose my shit FAST!
In March I started running and working out again. It is my all about me time. I love to run --- it clears my mind and lets me leave diabetes and Crohn's behind when I know my littles are in the capable hands of someone that I trust. I am back down to my pre-Emma pregnancy weight and it feels really, really good. I've also started reading again which I was passionate about before Nate's diagnosis. After his dx I felt too overwhelmed and exhausted to let myself escape in a book. Not any more! I can't believe I am going to admit this but I read all three 50 Shades of Grey books (go ahead and laugh) and am now reading a funny book by Chelsea Handler given to me by a friend (or maybe it was a loaner --- not sure --- will have to check on that?).
I think through my experiences with 2 life changing diagnoses I have learned empathy, compassion and understanding. I've never wanted sympathy ever and I don't believe that others do either so I try to help others in need, even if it is just an understanding nod or compassionate look. I never want anyone to think that because his or her child doesn't require the same amount of care that mine do that their child's illness is any less important to me. It's not. I want to help! I want to understand! I want to be there!
Well, except for this one post I read recently by some woman that went on and on and on about how stoic and strong she was because she was able to get through some random surgery her son had to have and then he ate a flower or a rock or something and she freaked out ---- it was weird and I had no sympathy or emapthy for her whatsoever. It was the most ridiculous thing I'd read in a while. To her I did actually want to shout . . . HEY ---- COME OVER HERE AND WALK A MILE IN MY FLIP-FLOPS, DRAMA MAMA!
I know I should be more empathetic of the rock mom but geeeez can you imagine her living my bloody and crappy life? She would crumble FO SHO. I could actually link to 100 diagnosis stories that are 100X worse than what that woman went through and each and every one of the mom's I have read about were stoic and graceful through the most horrifying diagnosis stories --- most much worse than what I have gone through.
How did I get off on that? Clearly needed to get that off of my chest.
I read this recently on a blog I came across recently and loved it . . .
Don’t judge me. You couldn’t handle half what I’ve been through. As a matter of fact, most would crumble just watching my life play out. There’s a reason I do what I do. There’s a reason I am who I am. Until you live my story, please just pay attention to your own.
--- Stolen from Diary of a Sick Girl.
So, back to me. That's what it's all about . . . in my mind anyway.
I am still devoted to my children, dedicated to caring for their needs and I will never stop hoping for a cure.
I will allow myself the breaks that I need to keep my sanity and not allow one ounce of guilt to seep into my mind while I am taking said breaks --- whether it be running, working out, hanging out with my girlfriends or even escaping to the solitude of my closet to enjoy a glass of wine in peace (yes, that makes me a closet drinker!).
I feel like I have survived ---- I am still surviving --- my life isn't any easier all of the sudden it's just that I have accepted that this is my life. I've embraced my new normal and I am no longer angry about it. Don't get me wrong I can still get mad at diabetes and Crohn's when I am in the midst of dealing with either one but I think I have finally learned to live by the words that I post here so often . . .
Keep Calm and Carry On.

That's funny ---- Right?
Anyway when I started this blog it was an outlet for me to discuss the wide array of emotions I was going through after Nate was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and then Sophie with Crohn's disease. I'm never afraid to keep it real and let people know exactly how I am feeling. I have certainly been through some tough times over the past couple of years. I am not sure that I have handled any of it with dignity or grace but at the time I really didn't care ---- survival was my only goal.
Reading back over some of my posts I still feel every bit of the sadness, anger and frustration that I was feeling at the time that each post was written. I remember vividly the sadness, the feeling of loss, frustration and anger. At times I did allow myself to get wrapped up in each and every one of those emotions.
I truly believe I went from being what I like to describe as a full-time, stay-at-home, want-to-be-perfect mom to a D-mom and then a D/C-Mom. I was no longer a woman, a wife, a daughter, a sister or a friend. All I could be at the time was a mom to 2 chronically ill children (we won't even talk about how bad I feel for Ms. Emma). I felt overwhelmed and sad ---- some days I still do but for the most part something has changed over the last 6-months or so. I am still a stay at home mom and a D/C-mom but I have found me again. I am no longer trying to be the perfect mom, the perfect D-mom or perfect C-mom . . . is there really such thing? I am just me . . . a woman, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I am funny, silly, sarcastic (I actually speak sarcasm fluently), kind of bitchy, and rather snarky. I have found that getting away from my littles occasionally is actually good for my mothering abilities . . . when I don't escape often enough I can lose my shit FAST!
In March I started running and working out again. It is my all about me time. I love to run --- it clears my mind and lets me leave diabetes and Crohn's behind when I know my littles are in the capable hands of someone that I trust. I am back down to my pre-Emma pregnancy weight and it feels really, really good. I've also started reading again which I was passionate about before Nate's diagnosis. After his dx I felt too overwhelmed and exhausted to let myself escape in a book. Not any more! I can't believe I am going to admit this but I read all three 50 Shades of Grey books (go ahead and laugh) and am now reading a funny book by Chelsea Handler given to me by a friend (or maybe it was a loaner --- not sure --- will have to check on that?).
I think through my experiences with 2 life changing diagnoses I have learned empathy, compassion and understanding. I've never wanted sympathy ever and I don't believe that others do either so I try to help others in need, even if it is just an understanding nod or compassionate look. I never want anyone to think that because his or her child doesn't require the same amount of care that mine do that their child's illness is any less important to me. It's not. I want to help! I want to understand! I want to be there!
Well, except for this one post I read recently by some woman that went on and on and on about how stoic and strong she was because she was able to get through some random surgery her son had to have and then he ate a flower or a rock or something and she freaked out ---- it was weird and I had no sympathy or emapthy for her whatsoever. It was the most ridiculous thing I'd read in a while. To her I did actually want to shout . . . HEY ---- COME OVER HERE AND WALK A MILE IN MY FLIP-FLOPS, DRAMA MAMA!
I know I should be more empathetic of the rock mom but geeeez can you imagine her living my bloody and crappy life? She would crumble FO SHO. I could actually link to 100 diagnosis stories that are 100X worse than what that woman went through and each and every one of the mom's I have read about were stoic and graceful through the most horrifying diagnosis stories --- most much worse than what I have gone through.
How did I get off on that? Clearly needed to get that off of my chest.
I read this recently on a blog I came across recently and loved it . . .
Don’t judge me. You couldn’t handle half what I’ve been through. As a matter of fact, most would crumble just watching my life play out. There’s a reason I do what I do. There’s a reason I am who I am. Until you live my story, please just pay attention to your own.
--- Stolen from Diary of a Sick Girl.
So, back to me. That's what it's all about . . . in my mind anyway.
I am still devoted to my children, dedicated to caring for their needs and I will never stop hoping for a cure.
I will allow myself the breaks that I need to keep my sanity and not allow one ounce of guilt to seep into my mind while I am taking said breaks --- whether it be running, working out, hanging out with my girlfriends or even escaping to the solitude of my closet to enjoy a glass of wine in peace (yes, that makes me a closet drinker!).
I feel like I have survived ---- I am still surviving --- my life isn't any easier all of the sudden it's just that I have accepted that this is my life. I've embraced my new normal and I am no longer angry about it. Don't get me wrong I can still get mad at diabetes and Crohn's when I am in the midst of dealing with either one but I think I have finally learned to live by the words that I post here so often . . .
Keep Calm and Carry On.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
OmniParty Invitation
11:21 AM
Join us for an OmniParty
Saturday June
2nd 3:00-5:00 pm
Top Golf
1500 Andrews
Allen, TX
& Stacy Rd)
Dealing with Illness
and Diabetes Management
Sick day
DKA prevention
Suzanne Weldon
RD, LD, CDE (Adult) & Angie Burris RN, CDE (Pediatric)
Our purpose is to
create a community of people with diabetes, In order to allow patients
and families already on a pump or those interested in learning more
· Make
· Be supported &
support others
· Get
· Be inspired &
the word about the benefits of pump therapy
Almost everyone who
has or deals with diabetes knows someone else with diabetes who could benefit
from an OmniParty. Make a difference and invite them to
Sponsored by:
Type One Family
Network (TOFN)
The Houston Family will be there . . . will you?

Sunday, May 20, 2012
Day 7 - D-Blog Week - Wildcard Hero
10:19 PM

Click for the Diabetes Hero - Sunday 5/20 Link List.
Let’s end our week on a high note and blog about our “Diabetes Hero”. It can be anyone you’d like to recognize or admire, someone you know personally or not, someone with diabetes or maybe a Type 3. It might be a fabulous endo or CDE. It could be a d-celebrity or role-model. It could be another DOC member. It’s up to you – who is your Diabetes Hero??
Click for the Diabetes Creativity Wildcard Link List.
Creativity comes in all shapes and forms, so take this where ever it leads you. Write a diabetes poem. Create some D-Art. Record a vlog. Write a diabetes song parody. Scrapbook, collage, sew, knit, crochet . . . . use your favorite creative outlet to create a diabetes project!
It's kind of a combo or 2 for the price of one deal . . .
Obviously, it goes without saying that Nate is my Diabetes Hero and I've written about that many, many times. I honestly do not think I could have diabetes ----- I'm a total wimp! He is so totally amazing and strong and awesome and brave and super adorable!
See ---- total diabetes hero.
For the creativity part I thought I would share this video I made back in 2010 not even a year after Nate's diagnosis. If I made one today which I should have done for this post but didn't have the time. It would be to a much more upbeat song --- maybe . . . The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes or something bad ass like that.
Nonetheless, here is the super sad, going to make you cry video I made for our JDRF Super Nate walk team in 2010:

Day 6 - D-Blog Week - Diabetes & Me
10:15 PM

Click for the Saturday Snapshots - Saturday 5/19 Link List.
Back for the third year, let’s show everyone what life with diabetes looks like! With a nod to the Diabetes 365 project, let’s grab our cameras again and share some more d-related pictures. Post as many or as few as you’d like. Feel free to blog your thoughts on or explanations of your pictures, or leave out the written words and let the pictures speak for themselves.
Diabetes has changed me. I'm not sure if it has made be better or worse but I do know it has made me stronger.
I was going to just post the above picture but while looking for something else I found the below picture that I posted back in 2010 and it seems fitting for this post . . .

Friday, May 18, 2012
Day 5 - D-Blog Week - Diabetes Hurts
11:30 PM

Click for the What They Should Know – Friday 5/18 Link List.
Today let’s borrow a topic from a #dsma chat held last September. The tweet asked “What is one thing you would tell someone that doesn’t have diabetes about living with diabetes?”. Let’s do a little advocating and post what we wish people knew about diabetes. Have more than one thing you wish people knew? Go ahead and tell us everything.
To learn a lot --- I mean a whole lot about living with type 1 click the link list above and read some of the other blogs participating in D Blog Week. Lots & lots of good information being posted today.
There is a ton I would like to educate the general public on about type 1 but today I am just going to remind those not living with type 1 diabetes . . . that diabetes hurts.
I think people forget because Nate doesn't flinch when I check his sugar that there is still a little needle poking him until he bleeds ---- he may be used to it but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. And we do it 12-15 times a day. So far today we've actually done it 20 times!!
UGH --- picture proof. No judging on the WAY CRAZY numbers we've been having lately!
19 bs checks TODAY on the PDM and 1 on meter (see video below)
That's a lot of BS!
School days Nate gets checked more than other days
School days Nate gets checked more than other days
Our 90 day number is 1,111 on the PDM alone
Now that is really a lot of BS!
Also, very few people in my real life actually see Nate getting his pod changed. We change it every 2 - 3 days (sometimes more frequently) and he hates it. I've posted videos for my readers before of Nate's pod changes. They are hard to watch. After 2 years, 2 months and 18 days Nate still cries almost every single time we change his pod.
Diabetes Hurts.
The littles and I decided to make a couple of silly videos about checking Nate's sugar and then tonight was pod change night so we made a video of that as well.
I want everyone to know a lot of things about living with type 1 diabetes but I think the one thing I want you to remember today is that DIABETES HURTS. If you think it is just a physical pain you would be mistaken. That is my son, my baby in those videos. I do that to him every few days. Diabetes hurts Nate but it hurts me and the rest of our family too.
Keep Calm and Pod Change On . . .

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Day 4 - D-Blog Week - Give Me What I Want!
8:40 PM

Click here for the Fantasy Diabetes Device - Thursday 5/17 Link List.
Today let’s tackle an idea inspired by Bennet of Your Diabetes May Vary. Tell us what your Fantasy Diabetes Device would be? Think of your dream blood glucose checker, delivery system for insulin or other meds, magic carb counter, etc etc etc. The sky is the limit – what would you love to see?
This is going to be really easy for me. There are a million things I wish we had to help deliver insulin, check and monitor blood sugar and/or something that would do both simultaneously while sending all of that data to my iPhone for me to review and approve.
Really though there is no imaginary device that can take the place of what I really want for Nate and for all of my friends living with diabetes. What I want more than anything is a cure.
If you know me at all you know that I don't sit around waiting for a cure, or blah blah blahing about a cure or most importantly filling my children's heads with thoughts of a cure coming soon.
But if I'm going to be honest ---- it really is what I want the most.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 3 - D-Blog Week - Room for Improvement
8:01 PM

Click for the One Thing to Improve - Wednesday 5/16 Link List.
Yesterday we gave ourselves and our loved ones a big pat on the back for one thing we are great at. Today let’s look at the flip-side. We probably all have one thing we could try to do better. Why not make today the day we start working on it. No judgments, no scolding, just sharing one small thing we can improve so the DOC can cheer us on!
Well-- Well . . . since I said I totally rock diabetes yesterday I guess today I must confess to a few things that I could improve.
1) Changing of the Lancet --- Seriously cannot tell you the last time this happened. I know - I suck!
2) Washing of the Poking Finger --- I'm really bad about just wiping Nate's finger on my shirt and calling it clean. I know - GROSS!
3) Stressing over the Highs --- Oh yes, highs stress me out far more than lows. I get seriously stressed out and rage bolus the crap out of them. I know - Relax
4) Diabetes in the House --- I think the worst thing that I do is put Nate's diabetes on everyone in the house. I strongly believe that it is a family disease --- we all live with it but I sometimes put too much of it on Emma and Sophie. The only example I can think of right now is that Emma wants to get her ears pierced which I am ok with -- sort of. But, the latest trend is to get numbing cream from the doctor (EMLA) before going to get them pierced so they won't feel it. I say NO WAY! Nate's fingers get poked 12-15 times a day, he gets his pod changed every 2-3 days and Dexcom every 7-14. NO STINKIN WAY am I letting my daughters get numbing cream for an elective poking of the ears. I wonder if I would even care if Nate didn't have diabetes? I know - I'm a meanie!
I could go on and on but I think we were only supposed to focus on one.
Keep calm and D-Blog Week On . . .

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Just a Mom
I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on this blog.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
I AM a wife.
I AM the mom of 3 wonderful children.
I AM my son's pancreas.
The information provided on this blog is from our personal experiences with Type 1 diabetes. Because something works for us does not mean it will work for you.
Please consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your health care options.
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